πŸ“– TESSR Docs


TESSR Help Docs

☝️ For more information on TESSR's key features, please see the documentation here.

Unsure about how to use a feature? No worries, we've got you covered. In TESSR Docs, we describe all modules and features of TESSR.

We will update the content as new features are implemented.

🚨 Report a Bug

πŸ‘‰ Click here to report a bug.

Our quality assurance team continuously and thoroughly tests and troubleshoots TESSR. We apologize if a bug slipped past us, but we promise to rectify it as quickly as possible.

Scan the above QR with your smartphone

Scan the above QR with your smartphone

πŸ’‘Β Request a Feature

πŸ‘‰ Click here to submit a feature request.

Together we can make TESSR better. Share your ideas for amazing new features with us, and our team will start brainstorming about their implementation.

Scan the above QR with your smartphone

Scan the above QR with your smartphone

❓Other inquiries

πŸ‘‰ Click here to contact our team.

For any other inquiries, please feel free to contact our team. We are happy to assist you on your TESSR journey.

Scan the above QR with your smartphone

Scan the above QR with your smartphone

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πŸ“œΒ TESSR Terms & Policies


Terms & Policies